Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Is Pearly Penile Papules a Contagious Disease?

Is Pearly Penile Papules a Contagious Disease?
Pearly penile papules is a disease which affects a large share of men population. Well known for its little bumps situated on the top of the penis, pearly penile papules or Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalisas it is known in the medical world, is one of those conditions which affect more men’s self-esteem and pride than it actually harms the part of the body where is situated. One reason for which men are highly terrified about this disease is the fact that their partners may see the little bumps and refuse to have any sexual activity with them until those little bumps will go away.

There is nothing more “painful” for a man than being laughed at or avoided because of some condition their penis has. This is why, if you suffer from penile papules you will want to get rid of them as soon as possible, but until then you will also want your partner to know what exactly is this condition all about. The first thing you and your partner have to be aware is that these papules are not contagious. Because it is a skin condition characteristic to men and has no connection with the STD, the pearly penile papules will not be transmitted through sexual intercourse or any other way. In fact, there is no way through which these small bumps will be transmitted from one partner to another.

To understand it better, let’s make a simple comparison with acne. Both of them are skin conditions and as you will know, acne is not a contagious condition, well neither are those little bumps. Even though their nature is not the same and the consistence of the bumps present in acne and in pearly penile papules are not the same, this is a good comparison in order for you or your partner to understand better what pearly penile papules are.

Only by making it clear to yourself and your partner that pearly penile papules is not a contagious disease will you be able to make progresses in ignoring this condition and move on with your sexual life as if nothing happened. So, even though it may take a little time to get used with the idea that the papules will be there for a period of time, you still know for sure that they will not affect, in any way your partner.

Resource box:
Even though it is not a contagious disease, pearly penile papules is not a condition with which you want to live with all your life.Click Here to find out a simple, yet highly effective method which will get those bumps of your little friend forever.

Pearly Penile Papules – Explain Your Partner What They Are

When you wake up one morning and see that small bumps have grown up on the head of your penis, you are certainly shocked, do not know what they are, how they got there and what should you do in order to treat them. It is absolutely normal to feel like that, just as it is quite normal to feel embarrassed and want to hide the whole deal until you can tell it as a joke to your friends after a beer or two. However, there is someone to whom you will have to disclose your secret after all and that person is your partner.

Think about your reaction when you saw the bumps. Now if you felt that way, you can be sure that your partner will not react in a compassionate way if she sees those papules on your penis for the first time, without any previous warning. In fact, even though you may expect a certain reaction, it will certainly be painful when she will laugh at you or on the contrary, will be so scared that will not even want to touch you. This is why you will have to explain her beforehand what those bumps are.

You should have an open discussion, where you will tell her that the pearly penile papules is not a STD, not even a contagious disease, so she has nothing to be afraid about. Also, explaining her that this is only a skin condition which appears for no other reason but the bad function of your own body will probably calm her and avoid some useless tensions which may appear between you two. If necessary, show her pictures from the internet, so that she can compare them with the skin condition you are suffering from and see that there is no connection between those bumps and the ones caused by STD.

If you have a life partner, with whom you share both the good and the bad things t should not be so difficult and she will probably understand. Those who do not have a constant partner will experience some trouble in explaining their condition, but it is better to prevent than having to face a reaction which will severely affect your image and your self-esteem.

Resource box:
Instead of troubling yourself about what the others will say when seeing your little friend invaded by papules you should treat this condition fast and easy. Learn how you can get rid of pearly penile papules forever by Clicking Here You will never have to worry about those bumps ever again

Pearly Penile Papules is not STD

Pearly Penile Papules is not STD
The first time a man sees his penis invaded by little bumps, with fleshy texture and color he normally panics. It is not easy for any man to accept that he will have to live with those bumps on their most precious possession for all their lives. Yet, once this chock has passed away, a new question arises into their mind: where they have gotten those pearly penile papules. Although somehow legitimate taking into consideration the fact that this is their first encounter with this condition, the question is not worth too much thinking. The reason: pearly penile papules are not taken from somebody, but rather developed by your own body, more precisely by your own skin.

Thus, if you were thinking about knocking on the door of each and every of your sexual partners, well stop doing that before you make a fool of yourself as pearly penile papules is not a sexually transmitted disease, but a skin condition which is developed only by men and which is located on the top of your penis. So, your sexual partners are not responsible for you having this condition and you, in your turn, can be tranquil cause you did not spread the condition.

Many people have this fear that the pearly penile papules is STD, but what they do not know is that, because is a skin condition which has nothing to do with sexual intercourse, it can also appear at virgin men, who have never had any sexual intercourse. There are even twelve year boys suffering from this condition, so that it does not have any relation with age or with the number of sexual partners you have had so far.

Moreover, pearly penile papules is a condition which is exclusively caused by our body and which will stay only on your body, more precisely on your penis for a long period of time, until, with time it will start disappearing. Other than the unpleasant aspect and a minor pain during intercourse, these papules have no other type of effects and unless you develop any psychological condition because of them, you can live your live normally, as if they were not there.

Resource box:
Pearly penile papules is a condition with which is hard to live. Learn now how you can forget about this condition forever by Clicking Here You will find out and effective method which will treat pearly penile papules safely and naturally.

Laser Treatment for Pearly Penile Papules

Pros and Cons of CO2 Laser Treatment for Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules are small bumps of flesh, which appear on the head of the penis. The only medical solution to this skin condition is laser treatment. There are many types of lasers and technologies which can be used, the most popular of them being the CO2 laser treatment. This treatment involves using the laser on the affected area and dissolving the bumps. However, before undergoing this procedure it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. If you still do not know too much about this laser treatment, here are some information which may help you make up your mind.

First, you have to know that the surgery is performed under local numbness. The substance which is used for numbing the area is called Lidocaine. If you have had no contact before this surgery with this type of substance, you should ask the doctor to apply some Lidocaine on your hand or other less sensitive part of your body, so that you can be sure you will not develop any allergy to the anesthetic.

Another very important thing which must be known beforehand is the fact that, even though you will not feel any kind of pain during the surgery, once the effects of Lidocaine will fade away, the pain will set in. Swallowing and scabbed skin may be the results of the surgery, so that the period after the surgery will be quite a difficult one. The recovery can take a week or even a month, depending on the way in which your body reacts to the operation. Thus, you must be sure that you are able to cope with this thing and that you can deal with the pain that follows the procedure. In addition to that, side effects may appear, which may be permanent.

Last, but not least, you should take into consideration the financial aspect. The procedure itself is quite expensive and in addition to that, you will also have to purchase special medication for the post-surgery treatment. Thus, other sums of money must be added. It is a great financial effort which has to be made and you must be sure that you have enough money to purchase everything you need before and after the surgery.

The decision which you have to make is quite difficult. However, before deciding to go for the procedure or live without it, you should discuss with your doctor and see what the chances are that this procedure will be successful for you.

Resource box:
If you want a safe and effective method which will get you rid of the pearly penile papules without any pain or side effects Click Here You will learn what to do in order to forget about this skin condition for good in a short amount of time and without any risks.

Pearly Penile Papules Treatment Using Tree Tea Oil

Tea Tree Oil Method for Treating Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly Penile Papules Treatment Using Tree Tea Oil
Tea tree oil method is one of the most used homemade treatments for curing pearly penile papules. The numerous advantages it displays as well as the fact that it is highly effective make of this treatment one of the patients’ favorite ways of getting rid of that ugly bumps which are troubling them so much.

For this method, the patient will only need a pack of cotton swabs and a small bottle of tea tree oil, both of which can be found in your local store. In order for the method to be highly effective, you will firstly need to clean the area thoroughly, so that there will be no other substance on the skin which can affect the tea tree oil’s action. After that, you will have to put a small amount of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and gently apply it on the affected area. Do not use a larger quantity of tea tree oil than it is necessary. Not only will the area be extremely oily afterwards, but the effects will not be better either.

This procedure should be repeated at least three times per day. You can apply it in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, so that the amount of time which passes from one application to another will be equal and the tea tree oil will have enough time to activate all its curative properties. It may take some days, up to a week until you start seeing the first results, however you should be perseverant and keep on following the treatment as this is the only way through which the treatment will become effective.

In addition to that, think about the fact that this method has no side effects, so that nothing will happen to you during or after the procedure. There will be no recovery period and you will not have to spend a fortune on the treatment. Thus, this is a quite convenient method, which will make you forget about all the pain, discomfort and worrying which come with the pearly penile papules. Also, you will be making this treatment in the safety of your home, without anyone to stare at the bumps from your penis and without the need to get undressed in front of strangers.

Resource box:
If you want a sure, cheap and safe method of making the pearly penile papules disappear then Click Here You will find all the necessary details which will help you put this method into practice and will enable you to have a normal sexual life.