When you wake up one morning and see
that small bumps have grown up on the head of your penis, you are certainly
shocked, do not know what they are, how they got there and what should you do
in order to treat them. It is absolutely normal to feel like that, just as it
is quite normal to feel embarrassed and want to hide the whole deal until you
can tell it as a joke to your friends after a beer or two. However, there is
someone to whom you will have to disclose your secret after all and that person
is your partner.
Think about your reaction when you saw
the bumps. Now if you felt that way, you can be sure that your partner will not
react in a compassionate way if she sees those papules on your penis for the
first time, without any previous warning. In fact, even though you may expect a
certain reaction, it will certainly be painful when she will laugh at you or on
the contrary, will be so scared that will not even want to touch you. This is
why you will have to explain her beforehand what those bumps are.
You should have an open discussion,
where you will tell her that the pearly penile papules is not a STD, not even a
contagious disease, so she has nothing to be afraid about. Also, explaining her
that this is only a skin condition which appears for no other reason but the
bad function of your own body will probably calm her and avoid some useless
tensions which may appear between you two. If necessary, show her pictures from
the internet, so that she can compare them with the skin condition you are
suffering from and see that there is no connection between those bumps and the
ones caused by STD.
If you have a life partner, with whom
you share both the good and the bad things t should not be so difficult and she
will probably understand. Those who do not have a constant partner will
experience some trouble in explaining their condition, but it is better to
prevent than having to face a reaction which will severely affect your image
and your self-esteem.
Resource box:
Instead of troubling yourself about what
the others will say when seeing your little friend invaded by papules you
should treat this condition fast and easy. Learn how you can get rid of pearly
penile papules forever by Clicking Here You will never have to
worry about those bumps ever again
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